Fox News Cancels GOP Debate On Monday After Trump Drops Out

Donald Trump continues to make Reince Priebus and the RNC look like fools.

Donald Trump continues to write his own rules as he runs for the GOP presidential nomination.


Monday's GOP presidential debate scheduled here in Utah has been canceled, FOX 13 News has confirmed.

The decision to cancel the debate followed Donald Trump's announcement on "FOX & Friends" that he would not be appearing. Instead, he said he would be appearing at a pro-Israel group's event on Monday night. Trump dropping out led John Kasich to indicate he would not be appearing at Monday's debate.

"We had hoped to contrast Governor Kasich's positive inclusive approach to problem solving with Trump's campaign of division," said Kasich chief strategist John Weaver in an emailed statement to FOX 13. "If he changes his mind, we will be there."

Following phone conferences between FOX News Channel and the Republican National Committee, the event was canceled, representatives for the Salt Palace confirmed. Utah Republican Party officials told FOX 13 it was Kasich's decision to back out of Monday's debate that killed it. Ted Cruz would have been the only candidate on stage.

"We're sorry it's not happening," said Bruce Hough, the Republican National Committeeman for Utah.

Nobody cares what Kasich does, in fact they'd love a two man debate, but Donald is making Reince Priebus and the RNC look like fools.

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