It's True! More Toddlers Killed Americans In 2015 Than Terrorists

Will Republicans declare war on toddlers?

Snopes has determined that the rumor is true: More toddlers killed people with guns in 2015 than terrorists did.

Noting that "in most cases, the toddlers are killing or injuring themselves," Ingraham counted 58 total toddler-involved shootings in 2015 as of 17 December of that year. In 19 instances a toddler shot and killed themselves, and in two others, the toddler shot and killed another individual. That brings the total of toddler-involved shooting deaths in the United States in 2015 to 21.

By contrast, if we count both the Chattanooga shootings and San Bernardino as strictly terrorism, 14 Americans were killed in San Bernardino and five in Chattanooga. As such, 19 Americans were killed in instances of suspected, reported, or potential Islamic terrorism in 2015. If you count an American victim of the Paris attacks, that number rose to 20.

Ultimately, even the broadest leeway led to the same mathematical conclusion. The meme was basically correct; more Americans were shot and killed by toddlers in 2015 than were killed by Islamic terrorists.

I fully expect Republicans to immediately approve authorization for a War on Toddlers to keep us safe.

For the children, of course.

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