Judge Sarah? Palin Inks Deal For Reality Courtroom Show
I feel weird even typing that.
Sarah Palin and courtroom judge are not nouns I would ever place side by side, but apparently some idiot thinks it would make a great reality show. (Trump Productions, perhaps?)
People Magazine reports that Palin has inked a deal for her own courtroom reality show.
Move over, Judge Judy. There's a new TV courtroom judge coming to town – and it's none other than former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.
The onetime vice presidential candidate has been tapped to preside over a new reality court show that would premiere next year. She signed a deal in February with Montana-based production company Warm Springs, a source close to the process tells PEOPLE.
Unlike the two famous TV judges, Palin does not have a juris doctor degree. But the source notes that the bestselling author has a variety of other qualities that make her perfectly suited to the job.
It's not enough that she made a joke out of our political process? Now she has to take aim at the courts? What "other qualities" could Snow Snookie possibly have that would suit her for a courtroom?