Laura Ingraham Reinforces Claim That Mexicans Are Rapists And Murderers

But she does.

Remember when Laura Ingraham bashed the newly-inaugurated President of the United States who also happened to be Black, and there was at least some mild outrage over it?

Yeah, good times.

Now it's just business as usual. Thanks for that, Donald Drumpf.

CALLER: My thing about Trump is that, the thing is, he's not a polished person and I think people catch him off-guard a lot. Like with the question with David Duke, I think simply he did not remember who David Duke was at the moment, and I think that caught him off-guard. I mean, obviously like if the reporter said, "Hey, you know, David Duke, the KKK member endorsed you." He probably would have said, "Well absolutely not." And the, see, thing about the Mexicans and murderers and rapists, everybody knows --

LAURA INGRAHAM (HOST): Well, they have come here. They have. Yeah, they have come here to murder and rape our people. We know that. That doesn't mean everybody has, doesn't mean everyone who comes across the border is a nasty, horrible person, but they have violated our laws.

Hey Laura, you know who else has violated our laws? All those lily-white Bundyites cooling their butts in jail right now. Where's the outrage over their law-breaking ways?

She must be angling for a job in Drumpf's cabinet.

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