Mark Halperin Claims Donald Trump Is 'More Talented' Political Candidate Than Obama

Yes, Mark Halperin tried to make the wingnut case for Trump against Obama.

In the classic mode of WTF?, Mark Halperin made one of the single most idiotic political analysis of all time. The Morning Joe crew were discussing Donald Trump's candidacy this morning and Nicolle Wallace made the point that no matter what the Donald says, his follower stick to him like glue.

Eugene Robinson made the case that part of Trump's appeal is that he's transgressive and doesn't play by the rules

Halperin immediately jumped in by saying that Trump is one of the two most talented presidential candidates we've ever seen. This stunned the Morning Joe panel to say the least.

Tommy Christopher nabbed this earlier.

Halperin: It’s a lot about his supporter supporters, but I think it’s at least 25% about him. He is one of the two most talented presidential candidates any of us have covered. Just is.

Wallace: Who’s the other one?

Halperin: Bill Clinton.

Eugene Robinson: And not Barack Obama? The black guy from Chicago with the name Barack Hussein Obama who got elected twice?

Halperin: Strong third. Look at what Donald Trump does every day to defy… it just is, in terms of pure political skill.

Even Mika knew instantly how ridiculous Halperin's claim was.

Mika: Don't even open up your computer. Turn it upside down right now. You can't say that.

Halperin: Just pure political skill.

Mika: You're going to be attacked.

Halperin: Because Barack Obama had David Axelrod and ....(blah blah blah to help him.)

No, Mark. It is all about Trump's supporters. No electorate except for the modern day conservative base would ever put up with a candidate, who changes positions in the same sentence, let alone not even be able to finish a coherent thought in said sentence. He represents the hatred that they have been programmed to believe in.

Halperin has always been a right wing apologist while his cohort John Heilman, has been more firmly rooted in reality when it comes to being political purveyors of knowledge, but this goes beyond the pale.

Eugene Robinson, in few words, exposes Halperin's erroneous argument. Obama actually created a movement out of hope and change, while Trump builds his candidacy on fear and loathing.

At this point in the campaign, Trump has won nothing while Obama won two terms to the oval office against yuge, yuge and tremendous odds to say the least.

You guys can discuss in the comments because I'm done...

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