Michael Savage's Hypocrisy Over 'Pervy Ted' National Enquirer Story
For Savage, as long as The National Enquirer is running negative stories about Democrats, it's a credible source of news.
Michael Savage, a prominent AM hate talk radio personality, recently pimped a story published by The National Enquirer, that said President Obama tasked the CIA to contract a hit out on former Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, by using a $2000 a day hooker to do the job.
Not only was Savage furious that the media refused to cover this breaking news, but he even vouched for the story's integrity because the Enquirer had never been sued for libel.
The National Enquirer’s report, Savage said, must be true since they haven’t been sued for libel. He said that other media outlets haven’t run with the tabloid’s article because the media is working for Obama, and instead newspapers like the New York Daily News are aiming their “hatred and bigotry” at Trump.
As long as the Enquirer focuses it's powder on the left, it's an awesome publication that destroyed John Edwards.
Now, of course, he's singing a different tune about the Enquirer because it's targeted conservative hero, Ted Cruz.
“I don’t blame Donald Trump but if he finds out that this Pecker is behind it he should get rid of this connection because this is not gonna help him at all,” Savage said on his radio show Friday, according to audio posted on The Right Scoop. “I’ve supported Trump, probably still will but if he won’t disavow this guy Pecker and the story I may withdraw my support from anyone in this campaign.”
Savage who is known for his controversial views and statements, said he wouldn’t support anyone who engaged in “assassination by innuendo.”
“I find this to be disgusting by the way, because I have been a victim of assassination by innuendo for my entire career,” Savage said about the allegations over Cruz. “It’s not pretty to live through this garbage but when it comes from conservatives it’s even more irking.”
“I support Donald Trump but the scandal is false,” he added.