Sen. Warren Calls Out GOP Senators For 'Nullifying' Obama's Presidency

Warren also reminded everyone that they're worried about extremists, while behaving extremely.

Senator Elizabeth Warren used her speech denouncing Republicans for blocking President Obama's Supreme Court nominee to remind everyone of their hypocrisy when it comes to their "extreme" frontrunners for the 2016 Republican nomination.

"If you want to stop extremism in your party, you can start by showing the American people that they you respect the President of the United States and the Constitution enough to do your job, right here, in the United States Senate," Warren suggested.

She didn't leave it there, either. She tied their own extreme actions to their extreme candidates, too.

"For too long, Republicans in this Senate wanted to have it both ways: they want to feed the ugly lies and nullify the Obama presidency while also claiming that they can govern responsibly," she accused, adding that the current top candidates for the Republican nomination are "extremists who Republicans worry will lead their party to defeat in November."

And worry they should.

It occurs to me that if the Senators won't do their jobs, they shouldn't get paid. Just like anyone else, if it's too much trouble for them to advise and consent on President Obama's nominee because of some non-existent rule, they should simply forfeit their taxpayer-funded paychecks and benefits until such time as they feel led to do so.

The full text of Senator Warren's speech is here, but I strongly recommend you just watch it. She's fierce.

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