Senators Breaking SCOTUS Blockade Are Giving Billionaires Heartburn
The Judicial Crisis Network is furious with Senator Jerry Moran.
One of the consequences of Justice Scalia's untimely death has been concern on the part of billionaires that they might not be able to use the United States Supreme Court to do their bidding and help them do business as they see fit, laws or no laws.
This is why there is a Senate blockade on President Obama's nominee, and it's why they're furious with a few Senators who are in danger of breaking their impenetrable wall.
The ad above is from Democrats on the attack against Senator Kelly Ayotte, and is intended to counter a larger public relations campaign to backstop Senators whose seats are probably going to be lost to Democrats in November, mostly because nearly 2/3rds of the American public believes that the Senate should do their jobs, as enumerated in the Constitution.
On Thursday, Senator Jerry Moran, who is also the former head of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, came out and said what needed to be said: Senators should meet with Merrick Garland, hold hearings, and vote. Because the Constitution demands it.
A town hall meeting in southwest Kansas attended by just 10 people became national news this week when U.S. Sen. Jerry Moran said Senate Republicans should hold hearings on a U.S. Supreme Court nominee.
“I would rather have you (constituents) complaining to me that I voted wrong on nominating somebody than saying I’m not doing my job,” Moran told a crowd in Cimarron on Monday, according to the Garden City Telegram.
“I can’t imagine the president has or will nominate somebody that meets my criteria, but I have my job to do,” he added. “I think the process ought to go forward.”
This sent billionaire surrogate Carrie Severino, head of the Judicial Crisis Network, into paroxysms of anger. It was an outright hissy fit, because in Severino's mind, Moran is undermining their perfect PR campaign.
The Judicial Crisis Network, a conservative legal group, said Moran caved to Obama, played into the president’s hands and isn’t serving the people of Kansas.
“We are in the process of putting the finishing touches on a robust, multi-faceted TV, digital, and grassroots campaign designed to remind Senator Moran that he represents the people of Kansas and neither President Obama nor the Democratic Party,” said Carrie Severino, the group’s chief counsel.
The thing is, Senator Moran swore to uphold the United States Constitution. That document knows no parties or division, and doesn't give a damn about billionaire-financed PR campaigns. It does, however, require the Senate to advise and consent on the nominee the President has a duty to put forward.
President Obama has done his duty, and now it's time for Senators to do theirs, without any regard to what the billionaires want them to do. Moran is just the first crack in the dam. I predict there is no public relations campaign that will counteract the reality of a bunch of Senators holding their breath until they turn blue.
If they want to stay in office, they'd better do the duties associated with that office.