Ted Cruz Calls For Police To 'Patrol And Secure' Muslim Neighborhoods

Ted Cruz would like to turn us into a police state, isolating people by religion.

Sen. Ted Cruz tried to out-Trump Donald Trump on being the new John Wayne for the GOP. He initially took a very weak position by telling the press that President Obama should immediately return home because of the Brussels attacks.

“President Obama should be back in America keeping this country safe. Or president Obama should be planning to travel to Brussels," Cruz said.

Why should the president of the United States appear to be so afraid that he has to return home when an attack didn't happen on US soil? Isn't Cruz supposed to be injecting that raw toughness we only see on our movie screens?

He then went on to denounce Obama's trip to Cuba and bringing in Syrian refugees. "While our friend and allies were attacked by radical Islamic terrorists, President Obama is spending his time going to baseball games with the Castros and standing at a press conference with Raul Castro as a prop while Castro denies there are any political prisoners in Cuba,”

Cruz said, "We need a commander in chief who does everything necessary to defeat the enemy, and we need to immediately halt the president's ill-advised plan to bring in tens of thousands of Syrian Muslim refugees..."

The #2 man in the 2016 GOP presidential primary then issued a statement saying he wants to patrol Muslim neighborhoods in America.

We need to immediately halt the flow of refugees from countries with a significant al Qaida or ISIS presence," the statement read. "We need to empower law enforcement to patrol and secure Muslim neighborhoods before they become radicalized."

As Vox notes, Cruz' full statement uses the Fox News/Ben Carson talking point that "political correctness" is partially responsible for the attacks.

Why is Cruz saying America has surrendered to the enemy? I ask the question facetiously.

Even Kasich is acting like a fool and demanding Obama return home. As if all the heads of state haven't been concerned about terrorism before today.

Jackasses, all of them.

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