Things Are Getting Very Nasty Over In The GOP

Someone needs to take Donald Trump's Twitter account out and spank it.

In the ongoing petty, chickensh*t battle of the spouses, Donald Trump tweeted this at Ted Cruz tonight:

Cruz's response was milder than one might have expected.

In the soap opera that is the GOP, this is the quality of discourse now taking place in between declarations about rounding up immigrants and waterboarding anyone they feel like waterboarding.

While the rest of us wrestle with really important things, like our futures and our jobs, or whether Social Security will be there and whether it will be enough for us to retire, the leading two candidates in the Republican race are having a bitchfight about their wives.

Maybe Sarah Palin can mediate.

On the plus side, Nate Silver over at 538 introduced a new electoral map:

Maybe we should encourage Trump to keep being him.

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