Trump Proudly Sports Endorsement Of Sandy Hook Truther

One thing you can say for Trump -- he's an equal opportunity hater.

(Carl Gallups delivering a prayer at a Trump rally)

I'm old enough to remember when John McCain repudiated John Hagee in 2008 because he was a nutty end-timer pastor who thought the Nazis were sent by God to wipe out Jews.

Alas, those days are gone, because the whole country is now batsh*t crazy and anything goes, thanks to the likes of Donald Trump and the entire Republican Party.

Today's slice of crazy is Trump's enthusiastic reception of wingnut Florida pastor Carl Gallups' endorsement. Gallups thinks the Sandy Hook massacre is just an invention made up by Hollywood folks.

Donald Trump's campaign has been relying on the support of Carl Gallups, a Florida-based pastor and radio host, ahead of the state's March 15 Republican primary; the campaign invited Gallups to speak at a rally and touted his endorsement as a "great honor" from a "prominent" leader. Gallups is a fringe conspiracy host who believes the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, CT, was a "staged" "hoax" and that the father of one of the victims was an "actor employed by the Obama administration to take away your guns."

Oh yes, indeedy. Gallups' has wrapped his arms around the whole Sandy Hook truther idea. Media Matters dug up his remarks on it. They were good enough to transcribe them too, so you don't have to listen to it if you would rather read.

CARL GALLUPS: But the bottom line, folks, is if you go look at this article, and look at the pictures and watch the television clips, here's what Barry [Soetoro] has uncovered. This guy named David Wheeler, who was drugged before -- dragged before the nation by -- maybe drugged, too. He was dragged before --

BARRY SOETORO (pseudonym): That's Obama's department. Go ahead.

GALLUPS: Yeah, he was dragged before the nation by Obama after the Newtown school shooting, supposedly, Sandy Hook, and was -- played the part of a grieving father with a woman standing beside him crying, slinging snot, carrying on -- of course, right before he went to the podium, he was laughing and carrying on. But anyway --

SOETORO: No, no, no, that's Robbie --

GALLUPS: -- that was another guy.

SOETORO: Now that's Robbie Parker --

GALLUPS: That's right.

SOETORO: That's a different fake father.

GALLUPS: That's right.

SOETORO: A different fake dead child.

GALLUPS: That's right. You know, you're absolutely right, thank you for correcting me. But this guy, this guy -- he and his so-called wife, they're standing up there and they're grieving and, you know, "My child, my child." And this and that. And, "We gotta take guns, you gotta get guns." And that was what the whole thing is about. But in the meantime, Barry has uncovered the fact that this dude is a Hollywood actor, his so-called wife is a Hollywood actor, and then he found footage, television footage of this guy at Sandy Hook in an FBI SWAT team outfit -- it's the same dude, folks. When you look at -- there is no denying it. Every facial feature, and it's the same guy. And then he's got pictures, he's got video of, showing this guy. So how can he be a Hollywood actor, and an FBI SWAT team member who was at Sandy Hook, and a grieving father who's flying around on Air Force One with Obama, and a advocate for gun control. I mean, how can that be?

I'm starting to think there's not enough medications to handle the crazy Trump is unleashing. Seriously.

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