Bill Kristol Can't Name Compromise Candidate To Replace Trump, Cruz At RNC Convention

Bill Kristol was stumped trying to come up with an alternate candidate at the RNC convention that Republicans would be happy with replacing Trump and Cruz.

There has been a lot of talk coming out of the Republican establishment that Rep. Paul Ryan would be the prefered choice to be the GOP's presidential nominee if there is an open convention in Cleveland. Frankly, I find that idea completely ridiculous because the base would never stand for his appointment. He's mostly respected by the beltway media and to the base, isn't a true conservative since he passed Obama's budget deal when he became Speaker.

Bill Kristol joined the Morning Joe crew on MSNBC today and was asked, point black by Joe Scarborough, who could be the alternative candidates to the two leading candidates if no one has enough delegates going into Cleveland.

Kristol replied that he's, "happy with Ted Cruz, but I'm also open to the notion that the delegates won't select Ted Cruz and then you can get to a compromise candidate, who I don't think will be Paul Ryan, contrary to the media."

Scarborough jumped in and pushed Kristol to name two or three compromise candidates to replace Trump and Cruz at the convention and that's where he stumbled.

Scarborough: Who are two to three republicans that could, if not Paul Ryan, could get in there? Do we go back to the Jeb's and the Marco's?

Kristol: No

Scarborough: You can't have people that lost before?

Kristol: No I don't think so, some statesman like type whose. I mean it's hard..

(Mitt Romney?)

Kristol: No, none of them is quite right.

Geist: So who is this person, this imaginary person?

Kristol: If John Kyle were five years younger, if Condi Rice was more conservative. there are senior people on the republican side that you could imagine delegates, after six or seven deadlocked ballots, after real deadlock say, you know what? This guy or women (garbled) it's just hard to come up with a name, which is why if Cruz does well, it's more likely than not to become the nominee.

John Kyle, WTF?

The entire Republican party is as confused as Kristol. All except those spending millions of dollars to thwart Trump's candidacy. Many of the #NeverTrump are in the Cruz camp, but still do not have the juice to make him the nominee.

And you have ratf*cker Roger Stone, jumping in by planning his "Days Of Rage” protests in Cleveland.

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