Bill O'Reilly Suggests Obama Thinks Drug Dealing Is Just Fine
The smarmy insinuation was hard to miss.
Yes, rumors are swirling that Prince died from an opoid overdose, thanks to a single report from TMZ claiming that the flight diversion was to treat a drug overdose.
We don't know yet, and won't know for awhile. But that didn't stop Bill O'Reilly from ranting about drugs and drug overdoses, and blaming President Obama for the increase in opoid addiction.
Over the years there have literally been millions of stories like that one, and it is simply stunning that our culture has evolved to a point where the sale and use of hard narcotics is now acceptable. President Obama's leading the way on this, classifying drug dealing, hard drug dealing, as a, quote, "nonviolent crime." That sends a signal to the country that, you know what, it may be illegal to sell drugs, but it's not all that bad. And the left is generally supporting the madness.
I guess it's never occurred to BillO that lots of opoids are obtained legally, has it? Or that the issue here isn't drug dealers, it's the addiction itself.