CNN Democratic Debate Got So Heated Wolf Blitzer Told Them To Stop 'Screaming'

Who knew Wolf Blitzer would have have to step in and separate the two Democratic heavyweights?

Thursday evening's CNN Democratic Debate in Brooklyn, was the most heated contest between the two candidates so far. From the opening bell, they were not playing games. At one point as Bernie and Hillary were debating the merits of the $15 dollar an hour minimum wage, Wolf Blitzer had to cut in and scold the both of them.

If you're both screaming at each other, the viewers won't be able to hear either of you.

Much of the night was like this except after Wolf's directions, they gave each other a little more room to finish their thoughts.

Here's some of the exchange that led to Wolfie jumping in.

CLINTON: But what I have also said is that we've got to be smart about it, just the way Governor Cuomo was here in New York. If you look at it, we moved more quickly to $15 in New York City, more deliberately toward $12, $12.50 upstate then to $15. That is exactly my position. It's a model for the nation and that's what I will do as president.

BLITZER: Thank you.

CLINTON: Go as quickly as...

CLINTON: -- to get to $15.

SANDERS: I am sure a lot of people are very surprised to learn that you supported raising the minimum wage to 15 bucks an hour.

CLINTON: You know, wait a minute...


CLINTON: -- wait a minute. SANDERS: (INAUDIBLE).

CLINTON: -- wait, wait...

SANDERS: That's just not accurate. Well...

CLINTON: Come on, I have stood on the debate stage...

SANDERS: -- well and I...

CLINTON: -- with Senator Sanders eight...

CLINTON: -- times.

SANDERS: Excuse me.

CLINTON: I have said the...

SANDERS: Well...

CLINTON: Exact same thing.

BLITZER: Secretary, Senator, please.

CLINTON: If we can...

CLINTON: -- raise it to $15 in New York...

CLINTON: -- or Los Angeles or Seattle...

BLITZER: Secretary, the viewers...

CLINTON: -- let's do it.

BLITZER: If you're both screaming at each other, the viewers won't be able to hear either of you.


BLITZER: So please...

SANDERS: I will...

BLITZER: -- don't talk over each other.

SANDERS: I believe I was...

BLITZER: Go ahead.

SANDERS: -- responding.

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