Former Congressman Allen West Is Standing By For VP Nomination

Talk about inmates running the asylum...

Former Congressman Allen West Is Standing By For VP Nomination

One of the primary architects of the ongoing BENGHAZI! lies is ready, willing and able to serve as Donald Trump's or Ted Cruz's vice presidential candidate. Imagine that ticket for a minute.

One-term Congressman and twice-failed candidate Allen West went on the radio this week to demurely agree that as a good patriotic American, he will serve if called to do so.

When Kuhner asked West if he would every consider running for president himself, West responded that it’s “just not my nature as a soldier” to go out “seeking political office” (an odd statement coming from someone who has run for Congress three times), but “my nature as a soldier is to serve and to step up when my country needs me, so I’m standing by.”

“I’m always ready to, if the American people need me back, I’m here, I’m ready to go,” he said.

Kuhner asked if that means he’d be willing to run for vice president if the Republican nominee asked him; West responded that if God and his wife were okay with it, he was in.

I'm sure Ginni Thomas would be proud to stand tall with Donald Trump and Allen West, don't you think?

Listen below:

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