Dr. Keith Ablow Says Transgenderism Paves Way For 'People To Declare Their Own Races'
Dr. Keith Ablow claims he should be credited with foretelling the end of reality as we know it.
If there is a man that needs his license revoked to practice medicine, it's Fox News' Dr. Keith Ablow. He's the in house Fox News psychiatrist and a resident of the Fox News Medical A-Team, and his job is to express the most insane ideas while hiding behind his medical degree(s).
On Fox & Friends, earlier today, the topic of the controversial Rachel Dolezal came up and that launched Ablow to not only use her to justify his preposterous ideas, but also to expand them.
He uses one example to try and justify his Alex Jones like "new world order" scheme and of course, in his mind it's only Democrats and Liberals who want to create this new world order where if you're born in Japan, you can say you're really Italian and if you're twenty seven, you can claim you're sixty five to get Medicare.
ABLOW: Of course you can't. I'm here as a psychiatrist and as a human being to tell you of course you can't. But there are people and they're Democrats and liberals and they're people who would say "yes you can." And I've been told by lawyers I consult that "hey, if I think I'm 65 and I say my entire self-concept is that of a 65 year-old, can I get Medicare," and the lawyers that told me, "you know what, you'd have a case" because of women like this, right, and because of other case law relating to transgenders. If you say that you're female, you have to be treated in some states as a female. If I say I'm 65, why am I not 65? Why are you committing ageism against me?
DOOCY: So you're saying we are now in a new world order where you can invent, at will, your own personal history and your own reality?
ABLOW: Who was the first human being in the world to say that transgenderism would pave the way for people to declare their own races? Dr. Keith Ablow. I warned about it. And it's happening and it will happen with age because of guys like Mark Zuckerberg, who have you invent your life on Facebook and then don't understand the concepts of the borders of a country. The country's a real mark, he's part of this too. It's part of the denial of reality.
DOOCY: But there are no countries on the internet he says, right?
ABLOW: Exactly, because you know what? What's he doing, he's saying "invent yourself. Throw up happy pictures. Just tell your story. Mind not that it's not your real story. And don't worry about these jihadists. They're not really out to kill you because you're American, because, you know what, you're not American. You're just one of the pixels on Facebook." You know what? He's a dangerous guy. This woman is a dangerous woman. Because the bottom line is we want our kids to grow up sane.
Wow, even Mark Zuckerberg is part of the plot to change reality into cool looking pixels.