John Kerry: GOP Presidential Primary 'Is Embarrassing Our Country Abroad'

SOS John Kerry told the Morning Joe Crew that people from around the world are wondering what we're doing to ourselves.

Secretary of State John Kerry, joined the Morning Joe crew to discuss a host of issues including the Iran nuke deal, global warming, and ISIS. Andrea Mitchell asked him to respond to Donald Trump's constant criticisms of the Iran deal and him in general, but Kerry refused to comment saying, "I think, Andrea, I'm going to resist the temptation."

However, as the interview was winding down, Mika asked him how he thought the election process was unfolding and Kerry didn't pass on this opportunity to tell them how the world was viewing our election process.

Secretary Kerry was obviously describing the GOP presidential primaries when he said,

I'm confident in the American people are going to choose wisely, and I feel as if this current craziness, which is embarrassing our country abroad -- I cannot tell you -- every meeting I have anywhere, people say, what is happening in the United States? What are you doing to yourselves?

We can thank the insanity of the voter base of the GOP.

And that, ladies and gentlemen is the view from around the world of our state of affairs.

Full transcript via MSNBC:

BRZEZINSKI: While you're doing this important work, challenging work, I'm sure watching this election process must be something for you.


KERRY: You want to get me going again.


KERRY: Look, I'm a -- I'm a recovering politician, and recovery takes a while.


KERRY: Your juices get flowing.


KERRY: It's an election and, you know, Joe Biden and I have talked about it. It's the first time in a long time that both of us are not engaged in the middle of it.


KERRY: So, yeah -- but on the other hand, I'm confident in the American people are going to choose wisely, and I feel as if this current craziness, which is embarrassing our country abroad -- I cannot tell you -- every meeting I have anywhere, people say, what is happening in the United States? What are you doing to yourselves?

MITCHELL: What places are you talking about?

SCARBOROUGH: Well, that's why -- exactly what we're asking here.

It's -- all right, Mr. Secretary.

BRZEZINSKI: Secretary of state, John Kerry, always good to have you on. An honor. Thank you very much.

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