Louie Gohmert Confesses His Strange Adolescent Fantasies

And boy howdy, they're doozies.

Louie Gohmert is standing tall for North Carolina's bathroom regulation bill, which essentially requires people to show their birth certificates with their original gender before entering a bathroom. If they transgress, well, then it's a crime.

Speaking to hate radio host and Family Research Council President Tony Perkins, Gohmert confessed his adolescent fantasies.

“When it comes to this current legislation where — in most of the world, in most of the religions, the major religions, you have men and you have women, and there are some abnormalities but for heaven’s sake, I was as good a kid as you can have growing up, I never drank alcohol till I was legal, never to, still, use an illegal drug, but in the seventh grade if the law had been that all I had to do was say, ‘I’m a girl,’ and I got to go into the girls’ restroom, I don’t know if I could’ve withstood the temptation just to get educated back in those days,” he said.

Of course, it's not as simple as all that, but let's give Louie a break. He did, after all, just confess his lurid desire to look up the skirts of his junior high school classmates. Or did he confess that he really thinks he's a girl? I don't know. It's all part of his fevered dreams.

He added that businesses like PayPal are now “telling states that you have to let boys into little girls’ restrooms or we’re pulling our business, it’s just the height of lunacy.”

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