Morning Joe Crew Mocks Sarah Palin's 'Bad Acid' Induced 'Word Salad' Stump Speech

Was that more "White Rabbit" or "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds?”

This morning on MSNBC's Morning Joe, the entire crew criticized Sarah Palin's crazed Donald Trump stump speech in Wisconsin from Friday.

As they were sizing up Trump's chances in Wisconsin, New York and PA, Mika changed the topic to Sarah palin's bizarre "word salad," speech. "He sent Sarah Palin to Wisconsin, Ah to, yea, it was.." Willie Geist said she wasn't as 'well received as they hoped for."

John Heilman jumped in, "it was crazy," and Mika responded, "it was word salad."

Joe Scarborough asked John Heilman to describe what happened and then he said, "halfway through her speech, did you ask if you stumbled into some bad acid?" Heilman replied, Well, the question was who had taken the bad acid.”

"Oh, so you thought maybe, it appeared that..."

"She was not fully, if the opposite of dissociative is associative, she was not fully associative. Let’s say it was not a fully coherent speech. let's put it that way."

MSNBC played some of Palin's speech and it was truly remarkable. She is creating a new dynamic in the english language. "Word Beat Salad Poetry."

Sarah P, wrote about her speech this weekend.

“Even inducing them and seducing them with gift baskets.‘Come on over the border and here’s a gift basket of teddy bears and soccer balls.’ What are you thinking? It’s just inviting more.” Our kids and grand kids will never know then what it is to be rewarded for that entrepreneurial spirit that God creates within us. In order to work and produce and strive and thrive and to really be alive!

Wisconsin, Reagan saved the hog - here. Your Harley Davidson. It was Reagan who saved that.

Heilman then explained that the audience was not "fully enthralled."

I don't know about them, but I sure was.

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