Pat Robertson: Feminists 'Scarred' A Generation Of College Women

The 700 Club's Pat Robertson was on an anti-feminist jag this morning because - freedom!

The 700 Club's Pat Robertson was on an anti-feminist jag this morning because there's a group he is promoting called "Big Ocean Women," a religious right group of ladies trying to rewrite the meaning of feminism so that it affirms their religious views. Their ideas of feminism are "faith, family and motherhood."

There's nothing wrong with that. In fact, the feminist movement gave them the freedom to make that very choice instead of being told by their husbands that they must do it.

Pat Robertson opened the segment this way by saying,

" A few years ago, feminism, the faces up front Gloria Steinem, Bella Abzug, some of the others, radicalists, tear down the f'n patriarchy, and on and on."

He continued, "Let's be radical, let's set these women free and the whole generation of college women were probably scarred by the, by the, well, the rhetoric of these people, but what we found as we go deeper into it is some of those who were writing about feminism were actually making stuff up..."

First of all, feminism isn't a few years old, Pat. Just letting you know. The 700 Club did a feature highlighting one women, who said she wrote for Cosmo back in the day and made stories up! Oooh! See how that tears down the entire feminist movement?

Robertson, like a lot of conservative men, were the ones that were actually 'scarred' by the feminist movement because it rebuked everything they expected from traditional gender roles where they were in charge.

Ladies must conform to the patriarchy, dammit!!!!

And you know what that means, right?

  • a system of society or government in which the father or eldest male is head of the family and descent is traced through the male line.
  • a system of society or government in which men hold the power and women are largely excluded from it.
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