RNC Chief Exposes Republican Strategy Against Hillary Clinton: 'Swiftboating Benghazi'

I'm not sure if RNC chief Reince Priebus wanted to spill the beans on a new swiftboating campaign against HRC on Benghazi, but he did.

It's not a done deal, but Republicans have let out one of their big strategies they'll use against a possible Hillary Clinton presidential run - Swiftboating Benghazi.

On ABC's This Week, host George Stephanopoulos asked RNC head Reince Priebus to comment on Clinton's new ad against Donald Trump.

The 95-second video includes snippets of Mr. Trump’s speeches that critics have said are polarizing and incendiary, including his call for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the U.S. It shows footage of a man sucker-punching a protester at a Trump rally, with Mr. Trump’s voice in the background saying at one of his events that he’d like to punch a protester “in the face.”

It ends with an image of Mrs. Clinton quoting the poet Maya Angelou: “When someone shows you who they are, believe them.”

A message on the screen reads: “Donald Trump wants you to forget everything he’s said. Don’t.”

George played it for Priebus and said, "They're (HRC) saying don't buy it, already starting the general election campaign."

Not even Chris Wallace is buying Trump's new line that's he's a much different person than what you've seen so far.

Here's where Priebus let the cat out of the bag by telling Stephanopoulos this:

"Well, look, I mean and -- and we're starting the general election campaign, too. We had two soldiers from Benghazi at the RNC meeting who were lied to by Hillary Clinton, who did an awful job as secretary of State."

These two soldiers are only the beginning. I've written many times that the Benghazi lawyers are none other than Joseph diGenova and his wife Victoria Toensing. They have a long history of being a partisan Republican hit squad against Democrats.

The two have taken on the Benghazi case and already pushed a bogus claim which was refuted by the Republican House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers.

Mike Rogers (R-MI) called out Fox News' favorite Benghazi lawyer, Victoria Toensing, for her "unfortunate" and untrue allegations about the 2012 attacks and subsequent investigations.

You can bet that they have family members lined up to being a swiftboating campaign against Hillary Clinton in the same way John O'Neill, horrifically used the Swift Boat Veterans For Truth against John Kerry in 2004.

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