SNL Cold Open Mocks Brooklyn Dem Debate With Elaine Benes
SNL gave everybody a nice gift by returning Elaine Benes to our TV screens.
Saturday Night Live's cold open brought back Larry David to reprise his very funny Bernie Sanders routine against Kate McKinnon’s hilarious Hillary Clinton as they mocked the hostility that marked Thursday's Dem Debate in Brooklyn. The skit also got a big boost by Julia Louis-Dreyfus, who was hosting SNL for the evening, who brought Seinfeld's Elaine Benes into the SNL fold.
It didn't take long for a nuggie fight fight to break out between the two debating candidates. Wolf finally broke up the spat and then asked a real New Yorker, Elaine Benes to ask a question.
She asked how Bernie how he was going to break up the banks and fake Bernie said, "Once I’m elected president, I’ll have a nice schvitz in the White House gym, then I go to the big banks, I’ll sit them down and yadda yadda yadda — they’ll be broken up!”
Benes then replied, "You can’t yada yada at a debate.”