So Much For The New And Improved 'Presidential' Trump
Donald Trump has refused to re-brand into a more rational, presidential type political figure.
The push to create a new and improved Donald Trump is kaput. Paul Manafort's idea to make him act like a civilized human being and be "presidential" is over.
That didn't last long at all, now did it?
Donald Trump is bristling at efforts to implement a more conventional presidential campaign strategy, and has expressed misgivings about the political guru behind them, Paul Manafort, for overstepping his bounds, multiple sources close to the campaign tell POLITICO.
Trump became upset late last week when he learned from media reports that Manafort privately told Republican leaders that the billionaire reality TV star was “projecting an image” for voters and would begin toning down his rhetoric, according to the sources. They said that Trump also expressed concern about Manafort bringing several former lobbying colleagues into the campaign, as first reported by POLITICO.
It was pretty silly by the beltway media to hear one victory speech delivered by Trump when he didn't act like a jerk and think he had changed for good.
After Trump’s resounding victory in last week’s New York primary, for instance, Manafort handed the candidate a speech he’d written for him that aimed for a more presidential tone, according to two campaign sources. Trump took a quick look at it and told Manafort he’d consider using such a speech down the road, but in the glow of his huge win in his home state, he preferred to wing it.
And I loved this line by the Donald.
“If I acted presidential, I can guarantee you this morning, I wouldn’t be here,” Trump said Saturday in Waterbury, Connecticut.
If Trump does capture the 2016 GOP presidential nomination, then the general election will be one big frakked up reality show, including every childish insult he can think of.
I haven't heard him give Sanders a nickname yet, but it would probably by something, like Comrade Bernie, or something just as idiotic.
And the closer the GOP fight gets to the convention, the nastier he will become, if that's possible.
And he won't be able to stop himself, because the rush he feels at his rallies is too intense to give up. When I performed in front of 1000-50,000 screaming people it was intense. When I came off the road, depression set in for about two weeks and I couldn't wait to go back out on the road. That's what he's feeling and he'll never calm down.