So Much For That 'Trump Is Presidential' Thing, It's Torture As Usual

Donald Trump reverted to form at his first rally after winning New York.

Hey, media? About that whole "Trump is Presidential" thing? You should just drop those cue cards right in the trash on that one and look at this video from a rally he did today.

For starters, "Lyin' Ted" is back. The thing Donald Trump does best is reach past all rational thought right into the primal scream section of his fans' brains, and today was no exception.

Trump said, "Now we're living in medieval times," as he proceeded to behave just the way you might expect a medieval warlord to act.

"We're weak, we're ineffective," he began. "During one of the debates they asked Lying Ted about waterboarding, and he didn't want to answer because...he wanted to be politically correct."

Please discard all rational thought to imagine that Ted Cruz ever worries about political correctness, Indiana Trump supporters. No facts need apply here. But wait! There's more!

Trump then related a story about how he responded when he was asked about waterboarding. "I said, I love it!"

As the audience roared its approval, he raised the stakes. "The only thing is, we should make it much tougher than waterboarding, and if you don't think it works, folks, you're wrong."

The audience cheered louder, as Trump vowed to change the "laws" (Geneva conventions) so waterboarding is allowed, but even more torture methods could be used that were even "tougher."

"They can chop off heads. They can drown people in steel cages, right? They can put people in steel cages and drop them in the water and pull them up an hour later, and we can't waterboard. How stupid are we? How stupid are we?"

To which I reply, Boo. fcking. hoo. This is the classic appeal to our basest nature, that part of all humans that would set aside our humanity and simply indulge the rage-driven beast we can all become. Imagine a world where Trump presides. One where it's dog-eat-dog, hate your neighbor and love your guns. That's Trump 2016.

The idea of society, for people who aren't Donald Trump, is to find ways for humans to live together in basic harmony, to find ways to resolve disagreements without drowning neighbors in a cage, and to forswear head-chopping altogether.

Donald Trump doesn't want to move beyond medieval times. He wants to go back to medieval times. That's what most dictators want. He's no different.

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