Stephen Colbert Mocks The NRA's Fractured Fairy Tales
That will probably do more good than all of us shouting about it!
Stephen Colbert took some time on his show to mock the NRA for publishing fairy tales indoctrinating children on the glory of guns.
"Turns out, the National Rifle Association loves fairy tales, too. This is true. On the NRA website -- I believe it's -- they've posted -- check it out, I'm not sure -- they have posted, and this is true, new firearm-friendly versions of classic fairy tales, like Little Red Riding Hood Has a Gun and Hansel and Gretel Have Guns," Colbert began.
He then wondered aloud why they're limiting it only to fairy tales and not other books.
"I think the NRA should apply these gun updates to all classic literature," he suggested. "For instance,what about Of Mice and Men? Lenny loved his little puppy so much, he didn't realize how tightly he was squeezing it until the puppy pulled a gun and Lenny backed off. Or how about the children's classic, Everybody Poops ... Involuntarily After Being Shot. Or, To Kill a Mockingbird, now more of a hunting manual."
I'll bet we could think of lots of other books they could screw up. Take a shot in the comments.
(h/t Media Matters)