Ted Cruz Gets Heckled And Cancelled In The Bronx, NY
Ted Cruz is having a hard time campaigning in New York because of his anti-immigration stance and his attacks on NY values.
Senator Ted Cruz got heckled by angry residents on his way to a campaign rally as bystanders yelled, "this is an immigrant community!" "An immigrant community!" Ted Cruz turned around and replied, "God bless you, sir."
Then a Latino man wearing a Yankee baseball cap, while speaking in Spanish told an interviewer that " We're an immigrant community and Ted Cruz is a racist, who represents the white supremacy." "We're not going to allow that in our neighborhood. It's that simple."
The protester was finally hustled away by a woman in blue.
Ted Cruz was also supposed to speak at Bronx high school, but student protests forced him to cancel the event.
Cruz was scheduled to speak at Bronx Lighthouse College Preparatory Academy until students wrote a letter to the principal asking her not to let Cruz come, prompting staffers to cancel the appearance.
"We told her if he came here, we would schedule a walkout," said Destiny Domeneck, 16. "Most of us are immigrants or come from immigrant backgrounds. Ted Cruz goes against everything our school stands for."
Destiny and her classmates communicated that sentiment to Lighthouse Principal Alix Duggins.
“A group of students will be leaving during 4th period, as (an) act of civil disobedience in regards to the arrival of Ted Cruz to BLCPA,” the letter said. “We have all considered the consequences of our actions and are willing to accept them.”
“The presence of Ted Cruz and the ideas he stands for are offensive,” the letter said. “His views are against ours and are actively working to harm us, our community, and the people we love. “
The letter called Cruz “misogynistic, homophobic, and racist.”
Their letter struck a chord.