Ted Cruz SuperPAC Head Pushes Dominionist Seminars To 'Take Control Of Government'

Seven Mountains theology promoter and fake historian David Barton is shopping seminars for 'taking back America.'

With Ted Cruz battling it out for the Republican nomination with Donald Trump, it seems like a good time for SuperPAC head and fake historian David Barton to take a break and teach Americans how to "take back" their country, right?

And that is what he's doing, according to Right Wing Watch.

In a promotional video from the new school, Barton again specifically linked it to Seven Mountains theology, saying that Christians are commanded to take control of the Seven Mountains but have failed to do so when it comes to government, which is why he is launching a school of "practical" government to train people on how to do just that.

"The Charis School of Practical Government is designed to make a difference in the culture," Barton said. "It's designed to transform the culture, community by community and state by state. In Luke 16:8, Jesus lamented that the children of this world are wiser and more shrewd than the children of light. This shouldn't be. We have the wisdom of the scriptures and insight of the Spirit, so God's people, of all folks, should be shrewder and wiser than others and this is particularly true in the political arena. After all, Joseph was certainly head and shoulders above all the other political folks in his day, as was Daniel in his day and Nehemiah in his day and so many others in their day."

Explicitly citing the "major Christian teaching today about the Seven Mountains," Barton said that Christians are to be engaged in all seven of these areas in order to transform America into the "nation what God wants it to be," especially government.

"After all, when God founded His nation of Israel," Barton stated, "He delivered to them a comprehensive code of 613 laws that covered every aspect of public policy, from criminal justice to education, from the military to immigration, from foreign policy to economics to taxes and everything in between. So the Bible definitely gives us much guidance in each of these areas, but too many Christians today that God is silent in the areas of government and public policy, but He is not."

This is why Ted Cruz is, in many ways, more terrifying than Donald Trump. Trump is a secular fascist. Cruz is a religious zealot as well as a fascist who thinks the United States government should be a theocracy.

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