'Tehran Tom' Cotton Opened His Mouth And Let The Stupid Out Again

This time he wants us to believe he was sent to usurp the Kenyan Usurper.

As usual, 'Tehran Tom' Cotton has the inflated idea that anything he thinks is something worth saying, and that because he said it, people should give a damn.

Today's installment of word diarrhea from Traitor Tom concerns the Supreme Court.

I think it’s important … that we let the American people decide. They’ve rendered something of a split in the last two elections. In 2012, they did elect President Obama, in part to nominate justices and judges. But in 2014, they elected me and a net nine new Republican senators in part to say stop, stop to the Obama agenda of overregulation, executive action, and packing the courts with leftwing judges, sometimes by violating the rules.

So I think we should let the American people decide.

Got that? They elected Tehran Tom not because of the Kochsters, but because having voted overwhelmingly to elect Barack Obama to a second term, it was now of paramount importance to stop him. So God descended upon the land and chose Tehran Tom to lead the people out of the Kenyan Usurper's wilderness.


How many stupids did he just say? First of all, the American people did not “render a split.” They voted overwhelmingly to re-elect Barack Obama for FOUR MORE YEARS, and part of his job is to appoint justices, BTW and LOL. Then there was a midterm election, which is when all the old white people come out to vote and Democrats stay home, BAD DEMOCRATS.

And yeah, the GOP made gains in that election, but that’s neither here nor there when it comes to selecting judges. There is no “Biden rule” that says you can’t make SCOTUS appointments during an election season, and you’re not “letting the American people decide” when you let Dead Scalia’s rectum prints fester on his empty seat on the court while you wait until your magical Republican savior comes along to appoint the next justice. (And presumably, reupholster that fcking chair. Unless Republicans like to sit in Scalia’s rectum prints.)

However, God isn't really sure. Because if Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders is elected, then it's really, really fine for the Senate to confirm Obama's nomination.

Senator McConnell has said that we should wait until the next president. … But clearly if the American people elect Hillary Clinton, or for that matter, Bernie Sanders, then they are going to make this nomination.

You're going to have to do better than that, Traitor Tom. I know they've got you sidelined for 2020 right now, but if I have anything to say about it, you'll be on trial for treason before then.

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