Barbara Boxer Speaks About Nevada And Her Conversation With Bernie Sanders

Barbara Boxer told CNN that she had a good conversation with Bernie Sanders

Sen. Barbara Boxer spoke with CNN about the turbulent times during the Nevada Democratic Convention. She was booed and hassled while trying to give a speech, as I think everybody knows by now. It's been all over the news today that she said she felt threatened, but stayed the course.

Earlier today,, Boxer joined CNN's Kate Bolduan and told her that she spoke to Bernie Sanders on the phone to discuss what happened at the event. Even though she's a Clinton supporter, Boxer said her relationship with Bernie has always been very good.

Boxer said, "He did phone me back last night and he was very distressed about it. It was a very warm conversation, and I told him, he expressed shock that his people would do it. I did tell him the vast majority of those Bernie supporters were sitting in their chairs, they were fine, But there was this group of 50-100 people, they were not young people, they were older people and he ought to check out and see, who these people are, and he said he would."

She continued, "In my mind when he says he does not support any type of violence, I believe him. And he's got to make sure it doesn't happen. People will follow his lead."

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