Ben Carson To Help VP Selection Committee For Trump

Trump rewards loyal supporter with helping pick his Vice President. See, he's wheeling and dealing already.

And the jokes keep writing themselves.

Earlier today, Donald Trump, the presumptive presidential nominee told the Morning Joe crew that he was looking for a running mate that could help him in legislative matters.

“I probably will go the political route,” he said on Morning Joe. “Somebody who can help me with legislation... Somebody who can help me get things passed and somebody who is friends with the senators and the congressmen.”

He followed that up with in the NY Times:

Donald J. Trump said on Wednesday that he expected to reveal his vice presidential pick sometime in July — before the Republican National Convention in Cleveland — but added that he would soon announce a committee to handle the selection process, which would include Dr. Ben Carson.

“I think on the committee I’ll have Dr. Ben Carson and some other folks,” Mr. Trump said.

Gawker has mentioned that maybe Carson will pick himself, but as they said, he's no Dick Cheney.

Charles Krauthammer was worried about Trump's temperament and his decision making and picking Carson is pretty out there, especially after all the crazy things he's said.

Maybe Doctor Ben, will delve back into the Bible and choose a candidate that best represents his favorite apostle?

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