Ben Carson Hates Jim Crow And Slavery References Except When He Uses Them

Hypocrisy, thy name is Ben Carson!

Never forget, IOKIYAR.

Dr. Ben Carson, a recent Trumpy supporter, joined Fox News' Neil Cavuto to discuss Donald's tax plans until the subject shifted to Attorney General Loretta Lynch's press conference in which she announced the DOJ would counter sue North Carolina over their anti-trans bathroom bill.

Cavuto asked Carson how Trump and Republicans should weigh in on the "anti-transgender bathroom bill" in North Carolina.

Just like Pat Buchanan before him, Carson said it was a "civil issue that should be handled at the state level." He continued saying the feds overstepped their bounds and were rightly sued by the state.

Carson then gave a weird gender history lesson to everybody, "we've known what men are, we've know what women are for thousands of years."

OK, sure there, big Ben. And what were the pyramids used for again?

Neil Cavuto then brought up Lynch's characterization of the anti-trans bill,

"...it's like the Jim Crow laws thrown back in our face. You say what?"

Carson replied, "Yea, that's what they always say. Everything is like Jim Crow. Everything is like racism and segregation and slavery. What a bunch of crap. You know, they want to do that so that they can always gain the sympathy, but thinking people know better.”

Isn't it odd that Dr. Carson is perfectly fine when he uses slavery, Nazi and Jim Crow references for his own self interest?

On 10/11/13, Ben Carson: Obamacare worst thing ‘since slavery’

Carson also compared abortion to slavery on 10/25/15: Ben Carson Says No Exceptions For Rape, Compares Abortion To Slavery

And on 04/15/16, Dr. Carson used a Jim Crow analogy: Dr. Ben Carson Compares Colorado Delegate Rules To Jim Crow Laws

On 12/04/14, he even compared America to Nazi Germany; Ben Carson Doubles Down On Nazi Germany, Slavery Comparisons


What a scurrilous hypocrite.

And let's get this straight, When Carson uses terms like slavery, it's to attack good progressive change. But when Lynch used the term Jim Crow, it was in context of a civil rights violation.

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