Ben Carson Says Women Speaking Out Against Trump Are Just Publicity Hounds
What could the little ladies possibly have to say of substance, after all?
Of all the things Donald Trump has been hit with in this election season, the one that seems to have penetrated his wrinkly orange skin is that women are telling the truth about him. Women who have stories, stories he'd rather not be told.
When Trump heard about the twenty reporters the Washington Post put on to look into his background, he quite nearly blew a gasket and let his proto-fascist self shine through.
But never fear, because his surrogates are out watching his back, like Ben Carson, for instance.
When Alex Witt asked Carson to explain who he thinks Donald Trump is (??!!??), Carson referred back to those reporters, saying what they really should do is talk to people who worked for him, because really, no one has anything to say about him.
I'm sure that's true. (You'll never work in this town again...)
Carson added, "He takes care of people."
Witt pressed, "You've heard the confusion over that statement with regard to women who have worked for him."
"You can always find some people who will say something nasty," Carson replied. "You're referring to the New York Times story which referred to some women who had negative relations with him."
"About 50 women," Witt shot back.
Carson said, "It's very easy to find someone who will say 'hey, me!' just so they can be in the limelight a little bit, you know."
So wait. On the one hand, we're supposed to believe that everyone loves Donald Trump, except for those 50 women who really had terrible experiences. And all of those 50 women just said that because they wanted their moment in the shiny lights? Seems to me the woman who comes out and says Trump is just the most awesome boss she ever had would get more limelight than any of those 50 women.
Shorter Ben Carson: Discount those women, because they're just empty-headed idiots who don't know a good man when they see one.
Except Trump is not a good man, nor is he some champion for women. He wears them like trophies and discards them when they don't please him anymore. I'm guessing he put more women in executive positions back then because he could pay them less and thought he could make them do his bidding more easily than he could men.
This right here is what sexism looks like.