Bernie Sanders Makes Case For Contested Convention
Bernie Sanders believes Hillary Clinton will not have the amount of pledged delegates needed by the Philadelphia convention
Senator Bernie Sanders held a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington on Sunday, and told reporters that he believes he will go to the convention and flip the necessary super delegates to his team and then win the nomination.
Hillary's lead in the pledged delegates is substantial, but Sanders is unfazed, he said, "It's virtually impossible for Secretary Clinton to reach the majority of convention delegates by June 14 with pledged delegates alone. She will need super delegates to take her over the top at the convention in Philadelphia."
This is a move that is not going to be embraced by everyone.
He continued, "In other words the convention will be a contested contest."
Bernie then spoke like delegate analyst and broke down how he believes it will all play out.
"There are 10 states remaining, where we are going to be vigorously competing."
He then explained why he is the better choice for 2016
"The evidence is extremely clear that I would be the stronger candidate to defeat Trump or any other Republican."