CNN's Jeffrey Lord Proclaims Building Trump's 'Wall' Is A 'Humanitarian Measure'

A CNN Trump supporter claimed building Donald's wall is really a great thing that will save many undocumented workers hardships made the left wing pundit almost fall off her chair with laughter.

I've heard many defenses from Donald Trump surrogates on why building Donald Trump's "wall" is a wondrous idea that will stop the flow off undocumented workers into our country, but I hadn't heard this one from Trump supporter and CNN analyst Jeffrey Lord.

His idea that building a wall across our borders is actually a very humanitarian thing to do for the immigrants, led to liberal Sally Kohn, almost breaking out in gut busting laughter.

CNN's host asked Lord, if he was worried that it will hurt Trump's campaign if he "becomes more measured, more conciliatory, that he could perhaps risk his base?"

Jeffrey Lord replied, "No, I don't think so. What I think he's going to do is appeal on economic grounds and frankly humanitarian grounds."

Lord said he received a note from a Latino woman, who's a Trump supporter, a rare thing these days and she explained how "the wall is not only a national security issue, but it's a humanitarian measure" because undocumented workers are being taken advantage of..."

The CNN host caught Kohn laughing at Lord's characterization and said, "All right Sally, you're laughing."

Kohn, trying to compose herself replied, "Donald Trump wants to round up, detain and deport eleven million people and bar Muslims, 1.4 billion of the world's Muslims, 20-30% of the entire world, ban them because of their faith.."

Lord interrupted, " That's not correct, Sally..."

Kohn was unfazed, "Ban them from seeing their family members and loved, no, no, but he's going to run as a humanitarian? That's going to be fun. (laughter) Just you know..."

Lord's only comeback was to ask Sally if she wanted mass murderers to cross the border until we fix the immigration system...

She replied, "God,God, don't call it humanitarianism. That's just disingenuous."

Jeffrey Lord often makes foolish statements in his support of Trump and making Donald out to a humanitarian savior to Latinos, is frankly at he top of the heap.

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