Did You Lose Your House? Trump Hoped You Would
Now Hillary Clinton is making him own it.
Were you one of the millions who lost your home, job or both in 2008 when the housing market crashed? It shouldn't surprise you to discover that Donald Trump was one of the guys sitting on the sidelines waiting to profit from your misery.
This happened while he was peddling his bogus Trump University courses to teach folks how to scam the markets and their neighbors.
"The real estate markets crashed. Now, I don't want to blame the real estate markets, because I always made a lot of money in bad markets. I love bad markets. You can do very well in a bad market," he said.
According to NBC News, he then advised his Trump University scam targets that a bursting housing bubble represented "a remarkable opportunity."
"How you react to the so-called housing bubble can be a barometer of your business personality. Are you the type of person who takes advantage of positive situations when they present themselves…or do you heed every message of doom and gloom, avoiding risks that could be some remarkable opportunities?" he wrote in a 2005 post on his Trump University blog.
In a Trump University audiobook, Trump said, "I sort of hope" the real estate market crashes, because it meant "guys like him could make a lot of money."
Hillary Clinton's latest ad hits Trump hard on this, showing the aftermath of a housing bubble that never had to burst with such deep and profound consequences for ordinary people. As one of those who took a hard hit from those times, Trump's words of advice feel like a slap in the face.