Former Police Officer Indicted On Federal Charges In Walter Scott Shooting

Maybe some justice will come, after all.

Finally, an outcome that shouldn't have been difficult to reach. Former police officer Michael Slager has been indicted on federal charges in the unjustifiable shooting of Walter Scott, an unarmed man who was pulled over on bogus charges.

According to The Post and Courier, Slager is charged with violating Scott's rights when he shot him five times in the back while Scott was fleeing.

The federal grand jury concluded that Slager acted “without legal justification, willfully depriving him of the right, secured and protected by the Constitution and laws of the United States, to be free from the use of unreasonable force by a law enforcement officer.” One of the counts in the indictment is for deprivation of civil rights under the color of law.

Scott's family is relieved and happy to see a pathway to justice.

Walter Scott's brother Anthony said, “It’s a bittersweet day. It’s a great thing that the Justice Department has stepped in.”

But he noted that it was just lucky someone had the sense to record what happened, or it's likely no one would have been charged at all.

“If it wasn’t for a video camera that day .. for someone brave to step up … we would not be here today,” he said.

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