Glenn Beck Accuses Republicans Of 'Raping' Christian Conservatives

Beck is dejected after admitting he's just a tool in cynical Republicans' toolbox.

Glenn Beck finally confessed his sins before everyone and admitted what those of us already know: He's just a tool of Republicans, there to keep them in power.

It began when Reince Priebus stood him up for a meeting after Ted Cruz dropped out of the race, according to Right Wing Watch.

Beck said that Priebus called him weeks ago to set up a meeting to discuss how important the conservative movement is to the Republican Party, but since Cruz has dropped out, "now he won't come on, now he won't even return our phone calls" and instead conservatives are just being told by the GOP to fall in line and support Donald Trump.

"The game that is being played with us is the game that was played with the African Americans beginning in the 1970s," Beck stated.

As he sees it, blacks have been coerced into supporting the Democratic Party despite the fact that "they are being taken advantage [of] and raped because they have nowhere else to go," and the same thing is happening to Christian conservatives within the GOP.

"The game that has been played by the Democrats is now being played on us," Beck said. "The religious, the conservatives and the constitutionalists are being told, 'You got no place else to go' ... You are embarrassed by my religiosity, you are embarrassed by my conservative values, you are embarrassed by my values of the Constitution. You mock me every step of the way. You mock the religious. You court us, or have in the past, you court us and then you mock us. You're embarrassed of us behind closed doors and every single conservative, constitutionalist, Tea Party and religious person know it. They don't like us. They don't want to be around us. They're only using us for their own power."

This isn't news to anyone except the likes of Glenn Beck, and I'll bet it's not even news to him. They use whomever they please for their own ends, just like he has, with his never-ending media grifts.

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