GOP Leaders: Trump's 'Mexicans Are Rapists' Statements Are Things In The Past

Republican leaders aren't counting Trump's racist statements against him anymore because - bygones!

MSNBC's Luke Russert recounted Donald Trump's highly publicized meeting with Reince Priebus, Speaker Paul Ryan and other Republican politicians on Thursday and he had some very interesting news coming from the grand poobahs.

Chris Hayes hosted the segment and said, " I'm not surprised that he is effective interpersonally and being charming......it's just unclear what the endgame can be other ultimately falling in line behind the guy."

Russert agreed, "Kevin McCarthy, the Majority Leader, he's on board with Trump. Scalise, the Whip, he's on board with Trump. Mitch McConnell, the Senate Majority Leader, he's on board with Trump. The rest of the Senate leadership is."

Most political pundits agree that the GOP eventually will get in line and support Trump come November.

Then Russert reported something that actually is quite shocking.

Apparently all of Trump's horrific and vitriolic attacks on Muslims and Mexicans has been forgiven now. It doesn't count because his xenophobia is a thing of the past.

Russert continued, "And by the way, which I think is the most important news today, Chris, it is underreported. The NRCC Chairman, Greg Walden of Oregon someone who is very instrumental in getting the House majorities in 2010, holding on in '12 and '14, growing them. He's all in with Trump now saying it's time to unify behind him."

"The same goes to his counterpart on the Senate side, Roger Wicker, the NRSC, so you have both of the members who are in charge of electing Republicans saying 'let's fall in line, let's go', " he added.

Russert wrapped it up with this. "The one thing that about that is, Donald Trump is so unpredictable. That's the word I hear from these members. So, if they embrace him now in May, they really have no other choice, but what happens if something as bombastic as another ban on all Muslims coming into the US comes out. What if you have the language like, 'all Mexicans coming across the board are rapists?' Those are things that right now are in the back burner, 'We are past that. We're gonna smooth out those rough edges that he is as a candidate right now.'"

But there still is that element of surprise? So while they embrace him now, perhaps they pay for that in the future," he concluded.

Saying Donald Trump is unpredictable is an understatement for sure. And that's their only worry?

These leaders of conservative thought, these republican pillars of principle are actually discounting every insane and anti-American policy Trump has put forth?

Did you expect anything less?

Digby has a great piece on how the media is trying to normalize Trump's views and also how stupid Republican leaders are because Trump will never stop being Trump..

Of course he will. How do we know this? Well, we can look at everything he's said for the past six months..

Trump is foreign to our normal political system but the media can't quit him and the GOP can't run away from him so they're going to work very hard to normalize him in order to be able to fit this campaign into the well-worn grooves that make them feel comfortable. But Trump isn't normal. And that's what his voters like best about him. They don't care about policy minutia or "conservative principles." They just want Trump to be Trump and that means he can do and say whatever he wants.

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