Hopping On The Trump Train: White Nationalist Running For State Office In Montana
Taylor Rose is hoping the current wave of right-wing racism will sweep him into the statehouse.
All aboard the Racist Millennials train, folks! Taylor Rose, a Liberty University graduate, avowed white nationalist, World Net Daily reporter and Vice President of the Youth for Western Civilization (YWC) campus group is running for the statehouse in Montana.
Raw Story has more:
The 29-year-old Rose became enamored by European right-wing nationalism during the 2008 presidential campaign, saying he was attracted to its focus on cultural and identity issues instead of economics and politics.
This tracks with recent scientific findings that racism, more than conservatism, is what drives the right-wing Tea Party types into a froth.
“Christianity will become the unifying religious force for the Right-Wing movements in Europe and the USA, for the only way to have a true revival of Occidental power both inwardly and outwardly is for the Occident to return to its historical foundations rooted in Christianity,” Rose said, referring to the West in opposition to the Oriental east. “Humanism is a failure and the only hope for a restoration of strength and liberty is a conviction in the inspiration of Christianity’s absolutes.”
He wrote a 2012 book, “Return of the Right: How the Conservative Movement is Taking Back Western Civilization,” that is promoted by white nationalist groups such as the Council of Conservative Citizens — the group that inspired racist killer Dylann Roof.
His candidacy is not a fringe candidacy at all, by the way. In addition to hoping to ride Donald Trump's coattails into the statehouse, Montana Republicans are in support of him, too. He has received campaign contributions from several elected Republicans in Montana, and then there's this.
Rose’s campaign website claims he managed U.S. Sen. Steve Daines’ (R-MT) “campaign in the Northwest,” and he also claims he worked for state Sen. Jennifer Fielder, the vice-chair of the Montana Republican Party and CEO of the Koch-linked American Lands Council.
You can watch the interview he gave in the video above.