John McCain: With Trump At The Top Of The Ticket, I'm In Trouble

Sen. John McCain is nervous because the Latino community is furious at Donald Trump, but he hasn't helped him self, either.

Senator John McCain is very worried that Donald Trump's nomination will lead to his downfall in Arizona. And he should be since Latinos have been Donald's most passionate target this election cycle.

Politico reports that publicly Sen. McCain is blowing off Trump's rise as no big deal for his campaign, but when nobody is looking, he's very nervous.

“If Donald Trump is at the top of the ticket, here in Arizona, with over 30 percent of the vote being the Hispanic vote, no doubt that this may be the race of my life. If you listen or watch Hispanic media in the state and in the country, you will see that it is all anti-Trump.

The Hispanic community is roused and angry in a way that I've never seen in 30 years.”

Ya, think?

Digby writes:

They have every right to be.

But maybe McCain should have thought twice about approving this message:

Yea, John.

Maybe promoting 'Complete the Danged Fence" wasn't a very good idea.

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