Limbaugh: Why Not Legalize Rape?

Of all the unhinged right wing responses to Obama's bathroom directive, this one might be the weirdest.

Rush Limbaugh is weirdly obsessed with rape and bathrooms, have you noticed?

In his Friday show, he went off on a rant about how rape should be made legal since bathrooms are no longer just for one gender or the other.

We begin with the caller, who is terrified that his wife or daughters might be terrorized by a bathroom predator. Did anyone tell said caller that the bathroom predators on the Republican side generally like being in the men's room? (See Larry "Wide-Stance" Craig, for example.)

El Rushbo, with characteristic bombast, replied, "Civil rights -- you could legalize rape if you called it the Civil Rights Act of 2016."

I don't really think I need to rebut that, do you?

What is this obsession with where people pee, anyway? And what makes anyone think that allowing for people to use any bathroom as opposed to just the one marked Men or Women is somehow going to encourage a rapist who certainly wouldn't have considered raping anyone if he were just in the right gendered bathroom?

Meanwhile, the world goes on. People worry about their jobs, and a fascist is the Republican nominee for President of the United States. But hey, Rush, you just keep worrying that the Civil Rights Act will enable rapists.

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