Navy SEAL Trump Supporter Attacks Wounded Veteran Over Trump's Bogus Fundraising Figures

Even if you're a vet wounded from combat, that won't stop a Trump supporter for delivering low blows.

Last night on The Kelly File, Megyn had on two veterans, Navy SEAL and Trump supporter Carl Higbie, and a wounded veteran, Sgt. Robert Bartlett, to discuss the flap surrounding Donald Trump's fundraiser for veterans that has been under a dark cloud of late.

Carl Higbie is a frequent guest on Fox News, but I was surprised how nasty he became towards a wounded service member for not towing the Trump company line.

Megyn Kelly outlined the story and let them respond.

Sgt. Robert Bartlett said that anyone who says they support veterans needs to actually do “follow-through” on that, while Higbie said it was the media trying to hurt Trump that turned this into a media frenzy.

After Kelly outlined the dollar discrepancies coming out of the Trump campaign, Sgt. Bartlett said, "I just want politicians or people running for office to be honest and do the right thing. If you say you support the vets, then do so."

"We've put these people in office, they say do a bunch of things and it's just a bunch of hot air. There's nothing behind it. We've just got to do the right thing."

Apparently saying "do the right thing" infuriated Carl Higbie, and shockingly he attacked the wounded vet, Sgt. Bartlet, on his character just because he expressed his opinion.

Bigbie said, "Sgt Bartlett, with all due respect, I think that's fairly shallow of you to say, Trump only gave 4.5 million dollars. Sure, he said 6 million, it's a million and a half dollars. I think that's a ridiculous statement and I think it's honestly, uncharacteristic of a veteran to say something like that, respectfully."

Don't you love the way Bigbie smeared Bartlett and then finished off by saying, "respectfully," as if that made it all right.

What a creep.

Sgt. Bartlett responded, "Actually, I didn't even say any of that, so...what I did say is people need to be held accountable for what they do say and they do do. That's all that matters."

He continued, "If he made a mistake, it's no big deal, own up to it."

Sgt. Bartlet is upset, and rightly so because veterans are not getting the help they need or deserve and if Trump is going to use his fundraiser for veterans as a PR stunt, then he should be honest in reporting the amount of money he did receive.

(h/t Mediaite)

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