Newt Gingrich Wants To Impose 'Sharia' Test For TSA Workers

Newt Gingrich is befuddled that Airport workers aren't being asked if they support Sharia Law.

Newt Gingrich, who may be hoping to be Trump's VP, told Sandra Smith on The Kelly Files last night, that LAX's new plans to heighten security was stupid because they should always be at DEF-CON 1, but then took it a step farther by attacking the TSA and demanding that they impose a religious test on their employees because - freedom!

SANDRA SMITH (GUEST HOST): Are you confident in this country's ability to vet the workers at our airports?


SMITH: Are you confident in TSA's ability to --


SMITH -- monitor weapons, bombs, anything that might get through our airports?

GINGRICH: "Well, I draw a distinction. I think overall the odds are pretty good, the high 99 percent, that you can stop people who are stupid from bringing in weapons through TSA. I think that's pretty good. But the idea that -- we don't even have the right standards. You know, the first test -- and this is very hard to do -- the first test ought to be, are we dealing with people who believe in Sharia and who want to impose Islamic supremacism?"

"We don't have any tests for that. In fact, the current administration would say that that was an Islamophobic comment and therefore was totally inappropriate. They've trained the FBI and others not even to think like this. So we had, I think, a number of people, for example, who had worked in the Minneapolis airport who went to Syria, and we were just very fortunate. If they'd wanted to, they would have done more damage, frankly, staying at the Minneapolis airport than they did by going to Syria."

I may be wrong, but I believe an employer would be sued in this country if they made hiring decisions based on religious litmus tests, Newtie.

I wonder how Gingrich would feel if the TSA also screened Catholics?

Maybe he feels this is his best play to be Donald's VP choice.

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