Pat Robertson: I Told You We Should Have Assassinated Hugo Chavez

The Christian leader waxes poetically about murdering Chavez. "If only"

I've been watching the 700 Club with Pat Robertson, more than normal since it's general election time, and I have to tell you, I could post three videos a day of the insane stuff he says as a supposed "Man of God."

Today was a high water mark of crazy for Robertson, because this morning he told his audience he was correct in wanting the U.S. to murder Hugo Chavez, "Well, folks. If they'd done it, it would have saved an awful lot of grief to a lot of people"

Chavez died in 2013.

Back in 2005, the evangelical leader made headline news by saying the US should assassinate the Venezuelan president: "If he thinks we're trying to assassinate him, I think we really ought to go ahead and do it."

It appears he missed one of the Ten Commandments, which plainly states: "Thou shall Not Kill."

Flash forward to today and the news coming out of Valenzuela is really bad, so Pat took the time to gloat about his original assassination plans.

I kid you not.

"You remember a few years ago ---(I) just had an offhand remark - and I made the suggestion that this guy really wanted us to kill him, so I said 'why don't we go ahead and do it.' It was national headlines - 'Pat Robertson says we should assassinate the president of Venezuela, " he said. "Well, folks. If they'd done it, it would have saved an awful lot of grief to a lot of people"

Robertson then went on to smear Bernie Sanders, "If any young people are listening to me - if you think Bernie Sanders has the answer, that we should have socialism in America, go-to Venezzz-u-ela, and you'll see what a socialist nation is all about."

My God, I hope young people don't watch this fraud.

First, he waxes poetically about assassinating Chavez, which validates the institution of murder for his flock, and then he smears Bernie Sanders' very successful message of economic populism in one sentence.

Will the media at least stop calling this man a Christian?

He followed this lunacy up later in the show by whining that climate change hasn't been proven by the scientific community.

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