Sarah Palin Tells Trump: Don't Change Party Platform To Include Exceptions For Abortions

Sarah Palin believes there is no exception for having an abortion and wants Trump to not change the Republican Party Platform

We've finally seen the Republican party completely align themselves with the hardcore Christian right when it comes to abortions. Now they've become to a mother's health what the Salem Witch Trials were to rooting out the actual devil.

Sarah Palin is just fine with forcing women to carry pregnancies when they are raped by a stranger or a family member. "You should always be wearing your chastity belts" and if your life is at stake because of medical reasons - too bad.

It's in the "culture of life's" hands now. That's a new angel just discovered by Sarah, when she was snowboarding in Alaska.

Here's the exchange via CNN

TAPPER: Donald Trump recently said he wants to change the Republican Party platform as it relates to abortion. He wants the party's opposition to abortion to include exceptions for rape, incest and the life of the mother.

Now, when you ran for vice president, you ran on a platform that has no exceptions. Do you agree or disagree with Trump's call to change the platform to allow for exceptions?

PALIN: I don't want the platform to change, no.

That culture of life that will be built upon the pro-life views that the majority of conservatives and Republicans hold, I respect that. I -- there's -- I don't think that there's a need for that to change. But, when it comes to abortion, it's very sensitive. It's very -- it's such a personal issue. I think that the plank in the platform is the way it should be. And I respect and support and want it to stay that way.

And when we can conclude that the plank of the platform is fine as is, then we can start talking about what people are really concerned about in this nation, concerned about in this election. And that is, as I have said, debt, open borders, illegal immigrants coming on over and receiving freebies left and right, instead of our own people, especially our vets, being able to receive the benefits that they have earned, growing government, that intrusion that the failed liberal agenda so perpetuates.

That's what people want to talk about.

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