Trump Grifts The Christian Right

They have, after all, sold their souls to Lucifer himself, hoping he'll give them "so much winning."

I'm sure Snow Snookie Palin can help Dumbass Donald with this. It seems he wants to mine the pockets of good, god-fearing individuals to fund his fascism.

Right Wing Watch reports:

Having already adopted the language of the anti-abortion movement and received the endorsements of its leaders such as Operation Rescue’s Troy Newman, Priests for Life's National Director Frank Pavone, and Susan B. Anthony List president Marjorie Dannenfelser, along with culture warriors such as Phyllis Schlafly, Donald Trump will now do what Donald Trump does best: get paid.

Bloomberg News reports that Trump has set a goal of soliciting 200,000 contributions from the evangelical community.The article goes on to describe some odd contortions that some of Trump’s conservative Christian supporters are going through to justify their endorsements of the thrice-married New York businessman.

They're not contortions. They're simply the hypocrisy of the chest-beaters at the gate. There are several flavors of self-justification for their support of a fascist who would crush religious liberty with the stroke of a pen, should he have the power to do so.

First, there are the Prosperity Gospeliers. These are the men and women who have conned themselves into believing that prosperity is a reward for godliness. John Oliver's splendid explanation is all you need to see.

For the Prosperity Gospeliers, Trump is the embodiment of their twisted theology.

Then there is the Win-At-All-Cost group, those who have sold their souls in pursuit of the unattainable goal of making America a theocracy. If they can't have their theocracy, well, they'll simply accept a man they think they can mold into their puppet. And if they can't mold him, well, they'll embrace him because he's Sticking It to The Man. (Never mind that he IS The Man)

Jonathan Merritt wrote this for The Atlantic last year:

They like a candidate who will stand up to “the media”—whether Jorge Ramos or Megyn Kelly—because they feel reporters don’t give them a fair shake either. They are drawn to a candidate who hails from outside the Beltway—even if his hometown is the elitist island of Manhattan—because they think the Washington establishment has abandoned them. And they appreciate someone who makes no apology for using politically incorrect rhetoric—even if this includes a bit of profanity or misogyny—because they believe society is increasingly intolerant of many of their sentiments, too.

Yes. He may not share their values, but he sure as hell channels their intolerance and rejection of everything that they loathe, such as helping the poor, health care, and government regulation.

As Right Wing Watch concludes, it is entirely predictable. After all, "If he is going to have to cite “two Corinthians” in a speech, he might as well profit from it."

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