Chris Cuomo Tells Katrina Pierson To Call Him An 'Idiot,' Like Trump Would
What if everyone on TV behaved like Trump? Even his spokeswoman won't do it.
Loyal Trump Spox Katrina Pierson joined CNN's New Day with Chris Cuomo and discussed her boss' bizarre press conference yesterday, where his sole purpose was to excoriate the press for asking questions about the fundraiser for veterans.
Pierson started the interview by trying to pass off an incredible fallacy about Trump's behavior yesterday when she said...
"..when Mr. Trump is president because we will have the available resources to put out to the American public where the policies of the past have failed and what we want to do. So it's not going to get to the point of a temperament question because the people are going to be behind Mr. Trump."
Say, what? He receives the most free media coverage in the history of presidential politics and she's claiming he doesn't have the resources to defend himself? Mr. Billionaire?
Cuomo followed up, "So you're saying he says what he says because he doesn't have the resources to fight on the facts, is that what you're saying?"
She couldn't make a credible argument so she made up some more bogus excuses and complaints,including attacking the media for not kissing Trump's ring for holding his publicity driven veterans fundraiser.
Chris then focused on Donald's language and his style of being belligerent to anyone that disagree with him. He asked her to call him an "idiot" if she didn't like the questions he was asking.
CUOMO: Right, but that's because you're assuming what you said was accurate. And in truth, if you want to find out if a group has 501-C3 status, it's a phone call. It's not a months' long process.
But that's not really the point. Katrina, when you don't like what I say, do you call me an idiot? No. Why not? Why is it OK for Mr. Trump to do it but not OK for you to do it with me? This is your chance. You don't like my reporter, you don't like how I put the questions, you're not going to call me something like that, right? Why is it OK for him to do it?
PIERSON: It depends. If you're attacking me personally, I might call you an idiot. But you don't do that. And we are talking about the issues, and Mr. Trump is being attacked personally.
Asking Trump to be transparent about his highly public veterans fundraiser isn't attacking his character at all. Unless of course, he was embarrassed by the media and forced to cut his own check to the veterans as the AP reported.
More than a dozen big checks flowed out of New York last week, bound for veterans' charities from Donald Trump. On Tuesday, he announced he had made good on his promise of last January to give the groups millions of dollars from a highly publicized fundraiser.
The announcement by the presumptive Republican presidential candidate came in the midst of a 40-minute rant against "dishonest" and "sleazy" reporters who have been pressing the issue.
The largest donation, a $1 million check dated May 24 (the date of the and drawn from Donald J. Trump's personal account, was addressed to a small Tuckahoe, New York, group that provides scholarships to the children of fallen Marines.