Claire McCaskill: 'Todd Akin Would Be Perfect' As Trump's VP

Sen. Claire McCaskill joined “Morning Joe” and told the crew that she figured out “the perfect vice president” nominee to help Donald Trump.

Asked if she would accept a Hillary Clinton request to become her vice presidential choice on MSNBC's “Morning Joe,” Sen. Claire McCaskill told the crew that she figured out who “the perfect vice president” nominee would be to help Donald Trump.

Rep. Todd Akin! You may remember McCaskill's opponent in her Senate race, who infamously said, "If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down."

Yes, that's the guy.

When the Morning Joe panel laughed, McCaskill replied, " least he learned how to apologize."

The discussion included laughter over the fact that McCaskill actually ran ads during the Republican primary in Missouri claiming Todd Aiken was too conservative, thus that the Tea Party nutsos would select him as their nominee. Through the clever use of reverse-psychology, Claire McCaskill chose her own opponent, and then beat him in the general election. It was one of the most successful ratfuc*ing instances in current politics.

Here's the transcript via MSNBC:

STEIN: Senator, quick topic of vice presidential picks. Let's say, you know, hypothetically nominee Clinton comes to you and says, you know, I'd like to talk to you about potentially serving alongside with me on this ticket.

MCCASKILL: No. I really wouldn't, but...

STEIN: Just between us.

SCARBOROUGH: Come on, Claire.

MCCASKILL: But I will tell you what I -- I will tell I have got a great idea that I thought about last night. I figured out who Donald Trump's vice president should be.

STEIN: Who is that?

MCCASKILL: He -- he -- at least he learned how to apologize. He's got political experience. He -- that would be Todd Akin.

SCARBOROUGH: That's (inaudible).

BRZEZINSKI: You are just very naughty.

SCARBOROUGH: You're just a bad person.

MCCASKILL: The perfect vice president -- the perfect vice president for Donald Trump.

SCARBOROUGH: Do you remember -- do you remember when we had Claire on a couple of years ago?

BRZEZINSKI: I do. I'll never forget it. She's a (inaudible).

SCARBOROUGH: Claire, are you responsible for sending the -- raising $2 million for Todd (ph), and she said, I don't know what you're talking about.

BRZEZINSKI: Slight smile.

SCARBOROUGH: And you admitted in your book, admitted in your book later.

MCCASKILL: Yeah, well, the ad said it was paid for by me, so it wasn't like it was a big secret.


SCARBOROUGH: Todd (inaudible).

BRZEZINSKI: I think you would be amazing.

SCARBOROUGH: It would be great, how exciting. Let's do that.

MCCASKILL: Yeah, I think Todd Akin would be perfect.

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