CNN Analysts Destroy Trump's Bizarre Scotland Presser Pimping His Golf Course

CNN's political pundits were shocked that Trump decided to give a detailed sales pitch of his new business venture in Scotland, instead of discussing the huge Brexit vote that had happened hours before.

Donald Trump received some heavy criticism, even from Republicans in Congress for leaving America to fly to Scotland and promote one of his business ventures, a hotel and golf course in the middle of a presidential election.

On top of that, his trip coincided with England just voting to abandon the EU, and with the press corp surrounding him, Trump began his speech talking for what seemed like an eternity, not on what a world leader would say on this historic day, but by detailing in precise language how incredible and tremendous his new golf course is.

"We've taken that building and made it something special, Inside that lighthouse right now are incredible suites.."

"I don't know if you'll get the chance but you should try and get to see the suites cause they are two of the most beautiful suites you'll ever see."

He went on to describe how awesome the new holes on 9,10, 11 and 4 are because they had been changed and moved out to the ocean.

After about five-seven minutes, CNN's Chris Cuomo of New Day, broke into his speech in shock of what he was seeing and said, "we'll break into Donald Trump's statement right now, which is not something we often do, but it's very remarkable at this point because of what he hasn't mentioned yet."

The Daily Beasts' John Avlon was incredulous and said, "This is insane. The presumptive Republican nominee has the world watching on an historic day and he's doing a five mine advertorial for his golf course and in great detail....he seems to be trying to profit off of a presidential run and not taking it seriously. This is Trump's steaks after winning the primary."

David Gregory then added, "I think John understates the importance of adding suites to the White House."

He continued, "this just seems like political malpractice. I'm just as bemused as everyone else, looking at this, thinking how strange this is."

I have to say this was amazing even for this buffoon.

I also found it interesting that for a man who usually can't finish a complete sentence when he's talking politics, didn't stammer or stutter much when describing the gorgeous ocean view behind them.

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