Grassley Defends Attack On Judge By Equating It To Sotomayor's 'Wise Latina' Comment

Frank Luntz must feel like a real pretzel these days.

Someone needs to take Chuck Grassley aside for an evaluation of his mental acuity. I know this is a tough election season and he's got a fascist to defend, but this makes no sense.

While defending Donald's hits on Judge Curiel, Grassley floated toward la-la land quickly, finding a magical false equivalence between Justice Sotomayor's contention that she is a "wise Latina woman" who would reach a better conclusion than a white male, and Drumpf's contention that Curiel could not be objective because Drumpf wanted to build a wall with Mexico.

“I think that you don’t have any more trouble with what Trump said than when Sotomayor said that — when she was found saying in speeches that, quote, ‘A wise Latina woman with the richness of her experience would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male,’” he said. “I don’t hear any criticism of that sort of comment by a justice of the Supreme Court.”

I'm sure Frank Luntz is helping out the Republican elite with their spin, but this is so utterly pretzel-like that I'm not sure how you unbend old Chuck Grassley ever again.

But C&L is here to help. Senator Grassley, please watch the video below in order to understand what it was Justice Sotomayor was actually saying.

In case watching the video is too painful, here's more context:

In fact, when Sotomayor made that statement, she was specifically discussing the importance of judicial diversity in determining "race and sex discrimination cases."

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